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Saturday, August 20, 2011


this was one of the greatest discoveries i had ever made...

on the way to the gallery to pick up my latest monkey painting (in support of the Oklahoma zoo) i saw a new restaraunt. called: MUTTS.
we had just been to a train show that our train club was at..and it was mid day, and we were hungry, so we thought to stop in there.
it was PACKED! i mean, the place was FULL!
we culdnt figure out why, all they sold dogs.
until, you ate one, then we knew!
they are GOURMET hotdogs, and by gormet, i mean luxury...not in prive, in taste...price  was ok for a fast food...
but they served hotdoges made from all kinds of different meats, like duck, for instance.

well, i HAD to try eveyr hor dog. (not all at one time, lol)
i started off with the breakfast dog..

thats a breakfast link under all of that other stuff, topped with french fries, mixed cheese, egg (scrambled, or fried, i chose scrambled) and what they call: bloody Mary ketchup (ketchup dusted with black pepper)
for a breakfast, this was really good.

craig had something very similar to the SANDYS HOTDOGS we used to be able to get in columbia, SC

. thay called it the: SWEET CAROLINE
beef dog, covered in chili, slaw and green onions. looks, and reminded me of home. :)

i had another dog as well...
couldnt resist.

a get this, CHICKEN FRIED CHICKEN DOG, thats right, chicken fried, as in dipped in batter and fried! the casing was a but crunchy..but it was worth it...
then its covered in crumbled blue cheese, the bun is slathered with a green habinjaro sauce and its all topped off with celery bits...
this is one of my fav hot dogs...LOVE IT! but, ill be going through the list to try each one..because they all look so good!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


i cant remember where were going, or coming from when i took this, i know the area i was in, was near where my sons school is, and i can remember the day was a bit drizzly, so possibly on the way from dropping my son off at school, we captured these images.

i can remember looking up and seeing a beautiful rainbow.

had to stop to take pics of it, too find out it was a full rainbow..
very pretty!


Monday, August 15, 2011


he had to ideas in mind...

1)- a midi card for his PC so he could play around with his music stuff.
(which, he hardley ever does at the moment anyway)
2)- a new wireless printer.

i asked why he wanted the MIDI card...answer: to be able to play around with his music stuff
(reminder, he never does now as it is, anyway)

so i was explaining to him, the benefits and deficits of each one.

our old printer died, a while back...just quite working one day, and he went online looked up a printer that was wireless, cheaper ink, and bottons on the front instead of on top
(dern cats would cut the thing off and on multiple times a day, even print stuff that was in a cue for a while waiting...irritated us to no end)

and i never really thought too much about not having that old printer in the family...until recently.

im just getting back into  porting my family history into a program PAF (personal Ancestral File) and i have THOUSANDS of names to input. and i need a way to keep these names all organized.

most of them have been handed to me in PDF form via distant relatives through email.

and i REALLY need to get them inputted somewhere where i can have them available for me to put on a flash drive and kept close to me.

so, all of a sudden, im anxious for this printer.
so i can start this task i have to do..

my church offers that PAF program for free.
and we also have PEDIGREE CHARTS that you can fill out for free as well, to keep a history and record of your family history.

i always start with great fire within me, but fizzle out about 300 names in.
the task becomes boring and tedious to me.

im one of our churches FAMILY HISTORY consultants. which is a fancy way of saying:
"ill help you with YOUR family history, if you want me too"
and thats for anyone. member of my church or not.
if you need your girl.

brother mcgarr (member of my church)has inputted something like 6K names into his PAF program on his PC.
id like to be able to say, i dd as much myself.

and id like to have all this data stored so when i do my web page idea for this family tree im a member of, it would be accessable and available to others to contact me with their info and id add that line as well..

im not getting any younger.
and i really do need to get this done.

getting craigs family history done as well, would be good.
he has a few names.
i can work with that. see what i can find.

getting the info from my 1st husband wont be so easy.
i feel its a necessity to have tho, to do the line for daniels sake.
just as much as it is to do craigs line for him AND daniel.

so, this printers a huge thing to me.
a way to keep organized and thorough.


Saturday, August 13, 2011


the man of the hour
Craig and Daniel
a Guest, seems to always be at these family events...*sigh*
craig enjoying his standard celebratory dinner, STEAK, with a side of APPLES and a POTATO

daniels standard dinner, a BURGER with BACON on it, and "no stuff" with a side of fries.
paris bought his own dinner. a BURGER, with allot of ranch...

my dinner: SEASONED TALAPIA with a side of  SEASONED VEGGIES and Steamed BROCCOLI.

daniel and paris having a conversation...

craig chose NOT to have deseet, mainly because he was filled with he let daniel have the dessert hed have gotten, an APPLE something, topped with a scoop of VANILLA ICE CREAM and drizzled in CARAMEL
of course that meant that paris also HAD to have his own dessert, he opted for a cheesecake.
folks, let me tell you, that was the LARGEST slice of cheesecake i had ever seen, period! hard to tell in the pic, but it looked like it was an 8oz piece, seriously.
GIFT GIVING TIME! sorry about the bag they were in, it was what was handy at the moment, lol

THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE..towel. this man LOVEs trains, so it was fitting for him to have this for a gift.
craig fancies himself a kind of HIPPIE, mostly just for the tie-died stuff, and the when i found these towels, i HAD to get them for him..

PENS! the man NEVER goes WITHOUT making sure he has a pen in his pocket, a true nerd, except he DOESNT have the pocket (im working on that one,,lol)

PURPLE (his fav color) NOT BOOKS the size of his pockets.
one of my pet peeves about my wonderful husband is, the fact he carries around a buch of loose papers torn to the size of his pocket to write notes on as he needs to. THATS not the pet peeve, its associated tho.
when craig bends over with that massive  bunch of papers in his pockets, they ALL fall out and...scatter, and it takes craig a minute or two to gather them all up...frustrates me.
so, this was a gift  out of frustration for watching the happles smess over and over and over again...
USE THEM HONEY! i dont want too see those silly loose papers falling and blowing and getting wet anymore...
mans an eagle scout, and he also, never goes without a flashlight in his pocket. PURPLE at that!

he also, can juggle! my hubby is versitaile, lol...
so, i found these  balls, thought, well he collects them, hers some more.